

Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Mr S Lyne-Ley
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Mr A Kosmaczewski
Safeguarding Officer Mrs C Vaughan



Please contact us within school hours if you have a concern by telephoning the main school office and asking to speak with one of the Safeguarding Team (01803 615501)


We cannot keep safeguarding concerns about children and young people confidential and may need to seek advice from Children’s Services or the Police to investigate further.


Other important contacts:
Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) Tel: 01803 208100 (out of hours) TORBAY
Devon Children & Families Partnership (MASH) Tel: 0345 600 0388 or 0845 600 0388 (out of hours) DEVON

Raising Concerns – Allegations Against Adults

To raise an allegation about adults who work at ¶¶ÒõÂÃÐÐÉä, please contact the Headteacher, Mr P Lawrence

Concerns can also be raised directly with the Chair of Governors, Mrs C Weston

To raise concerns through the Local Authority Designated Officer, please call 01803 208541